It’s another amazing week on the Life Lessons podcast and I am truly glad to be sharing with you. Today we will be figuring out what to do WHEN LIFE just DOESN’T seem to MEASURE UP!
Not measuring up simply means not meeting up to certain standards. Whether standards set up by oneself, or by other people’s standards.
You don’t feel qualified enough.
You tend to shy away from people’s compliments.
You downplay your accomplishments.
You struggle with putting yourself out there when you have a dream.
This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. It just means that these signs/symptoms are not problems in themselves, they are pointers to the fact that there is a root cause that needs to be addressed. As usual, we can choose to look for the easiest way out or the quick-fix methods, which simply means addressing the symptoms, which can easily be achieved by doing the exact opposite of the symptoms listed above.
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