Welcome to the final episode of season 2 of the Life Lessons podcast.
Wow! Even I can’t believe that we have done 26 whole episodes, kudos to us all. Yes! We did it together, thank you for listening, sharing with friends and commenting with your personal opinions and experiences. Thank you! Thank you!! and Thank you!!!
Yes! We wrap up on season 2, but I am not leaving you empty-handed. I bring you an amazing companion to keep you plugged-in through the festive season and holiday merriment. I present to you the ‘Productivity 10 To Go’ Life Lessons Christmas bundle. It’s a simple ‘Plug & Play’ specially curated bundle, containing our 10 best episodes of the Life Lessons Podcast. Something to keep you on track during the holidays and keep you razor-sharp as you emerge in the new year. Gift yourself and others you love, this amazing Productivity Gift Pack.
Today on our Life Lessons podcast, I am bringing you a charge and encouragement to ‘KEEP STEP’.
Keep Step means, keep walking, keep marching, keep going etc. The bottom line is that you cannot afford to get distracted, derailed or fall out of line or off the wagon, you have to keep going.
The holiday season, particularly Christmas is one to pay keen attention to, especially as a productive person. It particularly coincides with the end of the year and the start of a new year, which means loads of parties (parte after parte), get-togethers, loads of eating, drinking and plenty jubilation. It’s so easy to get carried away and totally down tools.
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