I warmly welcome you to the start of Season 3 of our Life Lessons Podcast. Today, we will be cheering in A New Productive Beginning.
With the new comes a certain excitement, a fresh burst of energy and a zest of hope. It is always a good place to start. Cleanout what has happened in the past, bring out a brand new slate, open a brand new page and start afresh to push and build.
I don’t know about you but this year, I intentionally decided to leave behind my mistakes, the woes of my short falls and failures and to start anew to push and to build. Now don’t let it surprise you, we all fail every now and again. I know that sometimes it seems all so easy because people tend to put up a front, pretending it’s success all the way. Infact to be particularly honest and vulnerable with you, I can tell you for free that even though I had a lot of high points in the past year, there were also melting points for me. One of those particular melting points got me breaking down in tears instantly. I am so thankful for accountability partners, family and close friends who were there to offer strong support, that helped me get back up again. Remember Episode 22 of the Life Lessons Podcast? “Do Not Walk Alone” . . .You can listen to it again, it accurately captures the point.
Being a perfectionist, the weight and shame of failing always has a way of getting me down, it could be so bad sometimes that I would remain rooted, wallowing in self pity. But hey! That was then, I have learned to do failure differently. I encourage you to also not fall into the same trap. If you want to start anew and want to be productive, you CANNOT afford to hold on to failures and mistakes of the past, you need to let them go. Our failures and shortfalls have a way of blinding or blurring our views for a better and hopeful new beginning. They get you feeling weighed down and sometimes act as a barrier that won’t let you see beyond a certain level.
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